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Nephrolepis Exaltata “Boston Fern”

Latin name

Nephrolepis exaltata “Bostoniensis”


(“neff-roh-LEP-iss ex-al TAH-tah”)

Common name

Nephrolepis exaltata


Southern USA, Caribbean, Central and South America (although introduced to the wild in parts of Africa, Asia and Australia)

How easy am I to care for?

Buy one of my cousins from the nursery:

Our large Boston Fern, or Nephrolepis exaltata, has erect, light green fronds that may grow to a metre or more in length. Each frond is divided into many narrow pinnae or leaflets that grow alternately on either side of the midrib. The popular variety, “Bostoniensis”, has large, wide (up to 40 cm on mature specimens) and long arching fronds. In other, smaller varieties the leaflets have ruffled edges and are divided even further to give a feathery or lacy appearance. The species became popular as a houseplant in Victorian times. In 1894, a mutation was spotted in Boston, USA, which became the popular variety “Bostoniensis” or Boston Fern. The wild origins of the plant are, however, nowhere near Boston – they originate in the sub-tropics and tropics of central and South America, the Caribbean and Southern USA.

All our potted plants come in compostable coir pots.

Caring for your plant



Medium light (can tolerate quite gloomy conditions). Avoid direct sunlight


The soil must be kept moist (but not wet). Mist the foliage with tepid water


Do not prune. However dead fronds can be cut off at the base with a sharp knife


Dilute fertilizer added to the water when you water the plant will be beneficial.

Pest & Diseases

Mealybugs are the most likely pest that will be found – these should be removed by cleaning with a damp cloth or paper towel. Scale insects and whitefly might occasionally be seen. Scale insects should be rubbed off. Do not confuse the spore cases that sometimes form in the underside of the leaflets with pests or diseases – they are completely natural.

Mill Pond Nurseries,
Mill Road,
CM22 6AA

T: 0345 505 3333
E: enquiries@planteriagroup.com

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