Mill Pond Nurseries,
Mill Road,
CM22 6AA
T: 0345 505 3333
Anthurium andraeanum, also known as Flamingo Flower, Painter’s Palette or Tail Flower, is a flowering plant with large, heart-shaped leaves and flower spathes (these are modified, brightly coloured leaves from where the spadix – a tail-like structure that is actually a long cluster of tiny flowers – arises). Anthurium spathes are usually red, but white, pink or even deep maroon varieties are available. The spathes have a slightly rippled, or puckered surface. The spadix is usually creamy-yellow and up to eight centimetres long.
Anthuriums bloom over a long period with each flower lasting for two months or more, and modern varieties are prolific bloomers.
The plant is harmful if eaten, causing mouth and throat irritation similar to, but less severe than, that caused by Dieffenbachia, the Dumb cane.
The scientific name, Anthurium, comes from Greek Anthos – meaning flower, and oura, which means tail, hence the common name Tail Flower.
All our potted plants come in compostable coir pots.
Mill Pond Nurseries,
Mill Road,
CM22 6AA
T: 0345 505 3333
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