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Asplenium Parvati

Latin name

Asplenium Parvati


As-plee-nee-um Par-vah-tee

Common name

Mother Fern


Tropical and subtropical regions in Asia, including India, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

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Asplenium Parvati is a fern species known for its elegant and lush foliage. This epiphytic fern is a popular choice for indoor cultivation due to its low maintenance requirements and ornamental appeal.

Caring for your plant



Asplenium Parvati thrives in indirect, filtered light. Place it in a location where it receives bright, but not direct sunlight. Ideally, it should be situated near a north or east-facing window where it can enjoy gentle, diffused sunlight. Avoid exposing it to harsh, direct sunlight, as this can scorch the delicate fronds.


Maintaining the right moisture level is crucial for the well-being of Asplenium Parvati. Water the plant consistently but avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot. Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Water when the top inch of the soil feels slightly dry to the touch. Adjust the frequency of watering depending on your indoor humidity levels and the size of the pot.


Asplenium Parvati typically does not require regular pruning. However, you can trim off any yellow or damaged fronds with sharp, clean scissors or pruning shears to maintain its aesthetic appeal. Pruning is mostly a cosmetic measure and can be performed as needed.


Fertilizing Asplenium Parvati is necessary to ensure healthy growth. Feed the plant with a balanced, water-soluble indoor plant fertilizer diluted to half strength during the growing season (spring and summer). Apply the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. Avoid over-fertilization, as it can harm the plant.

Pest & Diseases

Asplenium Parvati is generally resistant to many common indoor plant pests. However, it can occasionally suffer from mealybugs, scale insects, or spider mites. Regularly inspect the plant for any signs of infestation, and if necessary, treat it with appropriate measures such as insecticidal soap or neem oil. Proper watering practices also help prevent fungal diseases and root rot.

Mill Pond Nurseries,
Mill Road,
CM22 6AA

T: 0345 505 3333
E: enquiries@planteriagroup.com

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