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Ficus “Ginseng retusa”

Latin name

Ficus microcarpa ‘Ginseng retusa’


(“Fy-kus ‘JIN-seng ret-YOO-sa'”)

Common name

Ficus microcarpa


Ficus microcarpa grows wild in the tropics of South and East Asia and Queensland, and has been widely introduced in mild climate zones all around the world, including Southern Europe. The Ginseng Bonsai plants are produced in nurseries by grafting young foliage onto older wood

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Resembling Ficus benjamina, Ficus microcarpa has broader leaves without the distinctive drip tip. Ficus retusa is an old name for F. micorcarpa, and is still sometimes used.

The Ginseng Bonsai form is produced as a small decorative indoor plant by grafting small shoots of foliage onto sections of roots and stems from mature trees (sometimes from a different Ficus species), to produce highly characterful plants resembling traditional bonsai trees. These could be in a gnarly, clumpy shape or more elegant curves and ‘S’ shapes, and they can be produced in a large variety of sizes. All our potted plants come in compostable coir pots.

Caring for your plant



Does best in good light, and will tolerate direct sunlight. It will cope with more moderate light levels, as long as it is not over watered


Soil should be kept moist, but not wet, and allowed to dry out a little between watering


If some of the shoots get straggly, they can be lightly pruned, but do not attempt to prune the mature stems and do not cut back to the grafting point


Dilute all-purpose fertilizer can be added to the water at every watering

Pest & Diseases

Mealybugs and scale insects may be occasional problems. Mealybugs can be removed by cleaning with a damp cloth or paper towel. Larger clusters can be removed by trimming off the infested leaves. Scale insects can be removed by scraping them off with a blunt tool such as a wooden lolly stick

Mill Pond Nurseries,
Mill Road,
CM22 6AA

T: 0345 505 3333
E: enquiries@planteriagroup.com

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